"Diction in great literature tells us something about character, in both senses of the word, and tampering with it distorts the author's intent and interferes with the reader's understanding."

Monday, December 6, 2010

Sermon Diagnostic

1. Pastor Borghardt referenced Jesus 26 times in his sermon on the Saints. He used the verbs makes, slain, took on, saved, died, rose, reigns, does not push, came, and lives.
2. Pastor Borghardt and Jonathan Edwards preached contrasting sermons.  Although they shared a similar goal, converting unbelievers to Christianity, they differed when it came to the means they used to persuade their audience into conversion.  On one hand, Edwards focused on condemnation and the wrath of God, almost completely ignoring God's saving grace.  He hoped to make sinners obey Christ out of a fear of punishment.  On the other hand, Pastor Borghardt preached the gospel of Christ's death and resurrection as the payment for our sin.  He taught that sinners are saved by faith, not by works done out of fear. 

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